Senior students at Kuraby Special school engage in a range of opportunities which embed employability skills and functional independence into their daily learning. These opportunities include internal work experience opportunities through our internal work experience skill development and learning where students can participate in a variety of employability opportunities to gain 'hands on' experience in the following internal school work programs;
car washing and detailing
student enterprise dog biscuits
fruit and Vegie boxes
plant hire
sub station computer recycling
school canteen
Students also have opportunity to participate in external work experience opportunities and post school options sampling.

Your child may be enrolled in
one or more VET certificate courses offered through the Special Education
Training Alliance (SETA) that are taught by
VET trained school staff. These courses are overseen and managed by SETA central RTO based at Western Suburbs Special
School (RTO 41021). On successful completion of the course your child will be
awarded a nationally recognised qualification. If your child does
not complete the full qualification they will receive a Statement of Attainment
outlining the units that have been completed successfully.
The courses available at Kuraby
Special School:
- FSK10113 – Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
- SIT10216 - Certificate I in Hospitality
- CHC14015 - Certificate I in Active Volunteering
For more information on SETA, specific certificate courses and copies
of the complaints and appeals policy please visit